Anxiety And Blurred Vision: Why Is It?

Sometimes, when we experience situations of anxiety or high stress, it is common to perceive how our vision becomes cloudy or somewhat more blurred. Has it ever happened to you? We explain why it is.
Anxiety and blurred vision: why is it?

Anxiety and blurred vision are often related. If this is so, it is due to the great kaleidoscope of symptoms, manifestations and complex processes associated with this psychological condition. There are those who feel more pressure in the chest, others complain of stomach pain or muscle discomfort … And many suffer from these visual disturbances.

Now what is it about? How to differentiate it from an eye problem? The key is that this experience always arises when the person goes through a moment of great emotional intensity. Blurred vision, like tunnel vision, does not appear at rest; on average, it is usually one more symptom of panic attacks.

On the other hand, it is also common for other types of sensations or curious alterations to arise, such as seeing flashes , feeling pulsations in the eye, seeing shadows, feeling that the vision becomes excessively bright, almost dreamlike … All these descriptions They are usually linked to states of great stress and anxiety. We analyze it.

Boy resting head on hand suffering from anxiety and blurred vision

Anxiety and blurred vision: manifestations, causes, treatment

We are all clear that when faced with any vision problem, the best thing to do is always consult an ophthalmologist. However, there are manifestations that fall within the peculiar, of what happens from time to time and to which we do not give excessive importance. Likewise, when one has been anxious for a time, in the end, they end up experiencing so many symptoms, discomforts and sensations that they do not know well what can be psychosomatic and what the result of an organic or physiological problem.

From the field of ophthalmology it is well known that anxiety and blurred vision are closely related. What’s more, factors like persistent stress and even depression often have their unique impact on eye health. An example, in a study at the University of California conducted by Dr. Amir Zarrinpar and his team, something striking could be seen.

People with major depression suffer more problems in visual discrimination tasks. This perception slows down and, although the mechanisms of why it occurs are not yet known, we know that alterations in optics are common when there is a psychological condition of the state of mind. Let us therefore know that relationship between anxiety and blurred vision.

Vision disturbances and anxiety: what are the symptoms?

As we pointed out at the beginning, this characteristic in vision, if it is associated with anxiety, does not appear as a single symptom. It usually appears with other manifestations. They are as follows:

  • Fast breathing, tachycardia.
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Pressure in the chest or stomach.
  • Sweating or chills
  • Dry mouth.
  • Along with one or more of these symptoms, blurred vision, tunnel vision, visual distortions, seeing figures in the corner of the eye, etc. also appear.

Why is blurred vision caused when we experience anxiety?

Something that we must emphasize is that this phenomenon is usually temporary, it does not last long. Now, if anxiety and blurred vision appear together, it is basically due to three factors:

  • Elevated anxiety comes as a result of an increase in adrenaline in the body. This hormone prepares the body for defense or attack: it speeds up the heart, brings more oxygen to the muscles, puts on alert …
  • Now, this chemical agent also causes a dilation of the pupils. This effect facilitates the greater entry of light and that it is difficult for us to focus. The eyes suffer, muscle tension is experienced and all this generates that blurry or even tunnel vision.
  • There is also another determining factor: the increase in blood pressure. With greater anxiety, hypertension arises and this fact also impacts eye health.
  • On the other hand, it is also important to refer to panic attacks. These experiences are almost like a momentary explosion of symptoms in which the whole organism is altered. The energy expenditure is immense, with which it is common for the vision to be affected, that we are even clouded.
Girl experiencing anxiety and blurred vision

Anxiety and blurred vision, what can I do if it happens to me often?

The phenomenon of blurred vision associated with disorders such as stress, depression or anxiety is usually temporary. Thus, and as we have pointed out, it is accompanied in turn by a wide symptomatology, which is usually more annoying: headaches, insomnia, digestive disorders, muscle aches …

The most important thing is to rule out visual problems first. To do this, it never hurts to consult with the ophthalmologist. Once we are clear that there is no problem in eye health, it is time to focus on the root of the problem: anxiety.

The ideal in these cases, and more if we have been dragging such symptoms for a long time, is to have the help of a professional. It is clear that everyone can carry out particular strategies, but the most successful thing is for someone to guide us, to enable us so that we can face difficulties, fears and problems ourselves, being more competent, more capable.

The three techniques that can help us the most in these cases are the following:

  • Cognitive techniques such as cognitive restructuring. Thanks to it, we will work on those thoughts that limit us, that hinder our potential and well-being.
  • Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation technique and diaphragmatic breathing. Both are very suitable for regulating our physiological activity.
  • Finally, it is also interesting to work (according to our needs) aspects such as social skills, emotional management, acceptance and commitment to ourselves, etc.

Coping with anxiety always starts from the personal reality of each one. That is the starting point, that is the path that we must travel every day to gain quality of life and well-being.

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