7 Habits That Make You Less Attractive

7 habits that make you less attractive

There are habits that some people adopt thinking that they make them more interesting when in reality they only make them less attractive. The funny thing is that many people who try to appear attractive overlook some important issues such as the fact that physical appearance tends to reflect who we are and how we feel inside. No matter what you want to seem, in the end what we are always comes to light, and if there is something unattractive it is, precisely, the lack of authenticity.

On the other hand, when we think of being attractive, we usually think only about the exterior, about appearance, as if that were what determines the ability to attract others. We ignore that  our behavior has a great impact on how seductive the image we project is. Once again, being authentic is much more interesting, because it shows who we really are and does not create false expectations.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that attraction is a manifestation of our personal energy and affects all types of human relationships. People are attracted to positive and optimistic people and repelled by negative and pessimistic ones. And this cannot be manipulated or pretended, because it comes to light immediately.

Errors that affect your attractiveness

There is no doubt that people like beauty and therefore we like that the people around us look good. For some it is a sign of distinction to date attractive people or, at least, who take care of their appearance. However, beauty is not just an aesthetic or physical issue.

Woman looking into a mirror

You can be the most attractive person in the room and be the one with the least interest in others, and that’s if people aren’t even trying to avoid you. Beyond your physical appearance, acquiring some of the following habits can knock you out of the game. 

  • Turn everything you do into a competition. A certain competitiveness may be adequate at certain times, but constantly trying to compare ourselves with others and trying to show that we are better is not necessary. In fact, it ends up being annoying and even rude. Nobody wants to be with someone who is constantly seeking recognition at the cost of looking better than others.
  • Acting rude. Obviously people don’t like rude people. However, many think that with their rudeness they stand out from others and do not see any problem in this trait. But nobody likes disrespectful people who only seek to get noticed at the cost of making fun of and belittling others.
  • Act with superiority.  A person who looks down on others and acts superior is unattractive. However, as in the previous case, these types of people think that this attitude makes you stand out. However, nobody likes to be with people who seek their place by shading and considering the rest as inferior.
  • Complain constantly. Many people think that by complaining and protesting about everything they attract more attention, which gives them an opportunity to show themselves and be recognized. But it is quite the opposite. People often try to escape negative environments and complaints and protests are good ingredients for them to be believed.
  • Interrupt others.  Interrupting another is disrespectful, especially if the conversation is not going him. However, there are people who think that this gives you notoriety and an opportunity to show your presence, your intelligence and how much you know about something. But what is actually happening is the opposite. Without education, your level of knowledge or your opinion is of little use. In fact, interrupting to complete or comment only leaves you as a somewhat repellent “insider”.
  • Not listening when someone speaks.  Communication is one of the most essential elements in any relationship. Not listening to another when they try to speak is another disrespect, whether you are speaking to a group or face-to-face. Worse than not listening is looking at something or someone, or even staring at the person below the eyes.
  • Create a conflict without need or reason. Some people like to attract attention by causing conflict by relying on small misunderstandings or looking for reasons that only they see. That way they gain attention and think they get a chance to show their attractiveness. However, that person will probably only trigger feelings of contempt and, if someone plays along, they will bring out the worst that is inside. All out of pure pride.

How to look more attractive

To leave behind these types of habits, it is important to bet on authenticity and avoid attitudes that feed drama in any of its forms at all costs . You do not need to make yourself important or interesting based on negative attitudes, quite the opposite.


The more you try to make yourself noticed, the more in evidence you will be and the less control you will have over the situation, even if it seems otherwise. Talk less and listen more, take an interest in people, and be generous by showing empathy and compassion. This way you will be much more interesting.


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