5 Keys To Aging Happily

5 keys to growing old happily

Growing old happily is a wish that almost all of us share. Even if life has not been a rose garden, we can always make our days better. Especially at an advanced age, when we become aware that there is not much time left.

There are some basic actions that we can take to improve our quality of life and grow old happily. These are measures aimed at preserving our physical and mental health. They emphasize essential aspects such as caring for the body and cultivating affection.

It is true that we are almost never ready for old age. One way or another, it always takes us by surprise. Overcome that initial stupor, it is time to redirect some aspects to be able to grow old happily. These are five tips to achieve it.

1. To grow old happily, nothing like exercise

Exercise is the ideal way to live healthy and grow old happily. Physical activity increases the production of wellness hormones. Among them, endorphins. But in addition, it is a decisive tool to keep all the organs of the body in good shape. Exercising is an excellent preventive measure.

In addition, we not only talk about physical exercise but we also refer to intellectual exercise. Reading, writing, doing puzzles and games are activities that require thinking and help keep cognitive functions intact, even at advanced ages. 

friends doing sports and looking to grow old happy

2. Strengthen the network of friends

Isolation is not a good option at any age. It is not necessary to have a million friends, but a more or less stable social network. Interaction with others helps to keep intellectual skills in good condition. It also, of course, makes life more enjoyable.

It is true that sometimes, contact with good friends diminishes due to the force of circumstances. However, it is advisable to care for and cultivate those bonds. It is always easier to grow old happy if we have those valuable friendships. Special people who know and support us.

3. Have friends of different ages

Friendship is one of the freest and most extensive forms of relationships that exist. Its nature is very flexible, which is wonderful. It is worth not restricting yourself to having friendships only with peers. Intergenerational friends are often very helpful.

It does a lot of good for an older person to keep in touch with young people. At the same time, young people earn a lot if they have older friends. In both cases there are barriers, but also points of rapprochement. We can grow old happily when we know how to value all the wealth that exists in that interaction between different generations.

older woman with young friend thinking about growing old happy

4. Do only the things you love.

To grow old happily, it is necessary to purify different areas of our life. At advanced ages it is already known what produces personal satisfaction and what does not. Many things have been done out of duty and out of commitment. Now is the time to dedicate ourselves only to what we love and value from the heart. There is no time to lose.

The last years of life are not the best to deprive ourselves of what we want. Quite the opposite. Since what could be accomplished has already been accomplished and cycles that needed to be completed have already been completed, it is time to shift focus. Let’s just dedicate ourselves to doing things that make us enjoy and give us that sparkle in our eyes. Let’s stop wasting time on what doesn’t interest us.

5. Search for new roles

That you know us or have established habits, does not mean that there is no longer room for novelty. We never really got to know each other. Some facet always emerges that ends up surprising ourselves.

One way to grow old happily is to explore new roles. Dare to do what until now we have not done. Find new paths for those talents that we have not cultivated until now. Carry out projects that until now we had not dared to try.

Happy seniors couple

Old age can be a wonderful time if we receive it with a good attitude. It is true that we must say goodbye to many of the beautiful faces of youth. But that also has its positive side. We are more free and complete. We have a better perspective on everything. That is why we can grow old happily and feel grateful for the wonders found in the twilight of life.

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