3 Useful Tips To Improve Your Memory

Memory is not simply a static, innate ability. Can be trained and improved with a few simple techniques
3 useful tips to improve your memory

Do you think it would be good for you to learn 3 techniques to improve your memory in a few minutes ? We often hear the excuses: “No, I have a very bad memory”, “I don’t have things left”, or even, “I’m not good for studying.” This article does not pretend that everyone has the same capacity for learning, much less for data retention, because it does not have to be. However, you can improve your retention capacity if you follow some easy tips. 

Memory is a great unknown for people, however it is a central cognitive function in our intellectual potential. Therefore, we want to start by defining it, even if it is very briefly.

Mind of a person with tetris pieces

What is memory?

A cognitive and intellectual function and, at the same time, a phenomenon of the mind that allows the organism to encode, store and evoke information from the past. It arises as a result of repetitive synaptic connections between neurons, creating neural networks. These networks, when repeatedly stimulated – be it by evocation or by review – promote a phenomenon called long-term empowerment.

The good news is that memory is a cognitive function that can be trained and consequently improved. Adducing forgetfulness will no longer be an excuse for you, because in this article we want to show you:

3 useful tips to improve your memory

Take note, because you have never been as close as now to improving your memory :

1. Consider the information to be memorized, interesting and attractive

We are often surprised when someone is able to recall an event that occurred years ago in great detail. Or, for example, seeing how some people are able to memorize long lists of data with little effort.
This happens simply because these people find the information very attractive, for whatever reason. Perhaps they are passionate about the law and are able to memorize the civil or criminal code with little effort. Or, maybe you really like history and are able to remember the list of the Goth kings (including the year they reigned).

If we consider what we study as exciting, and we like what it is about, we will increase our chances of remembering it. However, we are aware that it is often impossible to consider studying as exciting and meaningful. In these cases, a simple piece of advice from none other than Einstein may be helpful:

We must find sufficient motivation to make study useful and valuable to us.

2. Repeat the concepts over and over again

It is the student’s method par excellence. But this is not the least important. Repeating the important concepts over and over again reinforces the synapse of the neural circuit created for this purpose, so that access to the content and its evocation will be guaranteed. Obviously, this method requires a lot of effort and time.

It is much better to record the lesson with your mobile or other device and then listen to it while you read it from the notes. The information that is received by 2 senses simultaneously, will improve the memorization of the content.

Head of a person with a puzzle piece on his head

3. Reduce the complexity of the topics making them linear and simple

This should be the first step. It is much better to start with the simplest elements (perhaps you can break the task down into more or less affordable parts). Do not get saturated, try to memorize a little each day, because memory becomes saturated if it has to process too much data at the same time.

You can also associate themes with colors. Use highlighters of different types and colors. Or use phrases or keywords that you can easily develop or associate with elements or headings of the topic. In the same way, you can make drawings that you can transform into a story with the content of the topic.

In short, work and concentration are key to learning, but we must try to help ourselves with different tricks or techniques that will be useful to us.
In this way we will increase our chances of having a true elephant memory.

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