11 Things That Low Self-esteem Robs You

Low self-esteem robs you of the ability to be good about yourself and be happy. However, it also takes small everyday things from you that you may not be fully aware of.
11 things that low self-esteem robs you

There are things that steal your low self-esteem and you don’t realize it. Relationships, job opportunities, personal satisfaction … Trusting and appreciating the value of oneself are essential exercises that we must attend day in and day out as well. Because, although it is hard for us to believe it, there are situations that wear us down and lead us to dangerous self-indifference.

Having a low self-esteem takes away a good part of those things that guarantee psychological well-being. This dimension is like a vital compass that guides us in life. It is the beacon that reminds us where the limits and dignities are. It is also the bridge that allows us to successfully and safely cross the most complex moments of existential becoming.

Also, we must remember something decisive. This is not a dimension that one cultivates, cares for and promotes and remains stable forever. In reality, few dimensions fluctuate so much in the human being.

A bad relationship or professional failure ceases to reinforce feelings related to self-esteem. And suddenly, it happens … We begin to lose things, we become blurred from our reality and the mind stops being tied to its psychological strengths.

man suffering the things that rob you of low self-esteem

Things that rob you of low self-esteem

Low self-esteem is like a black hole through which a good part of your worth escapes and disintegrates. You stop being you, you underestimate yourself and an internal dialogue that is as negative as it is exhausting begins.

However, according to a study by the University of Basel (Switzerland), a negative self-assessment does not necessarily lead to depression, but it places us in a state of psychological vulnerability. In some way, what you feel, think and believe about yourself directly affects the way you live.

However, and here comes the most significant, many people with a negative self-worth create a striking disguise: they appear certain resolution and hide their deflated self under infinite layers. However, it does not matter that you hide under armor, the things that rob you of low self-esteem leave you in the end low and on the verge of absolute sadness.

It is time to keep in mind everything that takes you away to become aware that you must make a change.

1. Trust in you

If you leave home without the protection of good self-esteem, everything will scare you. Happiness and satisfaction require making decisions and undertaking the odd challenge. If you don’t trust yourself, nothing you aspire to will come into your life.

2. The opportunity to enjoy quality relationships

Who does not love depends on the affection of others to validate himself. The person who does not have a bright and strong self-esteem will fall into the trap of dependent relationships, those that hurt, those that leave the mark of trauma.

Do not forget what is one of the secrets of happiness in the matter of a couple: you have to love each other well to remember the type of love you deserve.

3. Your passions and dreams

Every great achievement was once a dream. A goal achieved by those who trusted in their potential to make their wishes come true at any given time.

Who wouldn’t want to act this way to make life their passion? Without a doubt, everyone. The first thing will be to strengthen your self-esteem.

4. Freedom

Among the things that low self-esteem robs you is freedom. In many cases, what you do is depend on third parties for support and validation. Without forgetting also that this lack of self-indifference places you indefinitely in that comfort zone of which you end up being captive.

5. The courage to act

What is the human being without just and adequate doses of courage and bravery? He inevitably becomes a passive person who limits himself to accepting everything that comes to him without acting.

6. Companionship and good friendships

The same thing happens with friends as with love. If you go through life’s journey without a modicum of affection for yourself, you will be content with whatever comes your way : interested friends, selfish, narcissistic people, etc.

Sad woman with a lost look thinking about the things that low self-esteem robs you

7. The ability to enjoy simple things

Low self-esteem feeds you with insecurities and fills your head with catastrophies. He whispers things like “better not do this or that because they will make fun of you”, “do not dare to do that because knowing you, you will only screw up” . The adverse dialogue extinguishes all capacity to enjoy the most elementary things.

8. Hope

Indeed, one of the things that low self-esteem robs you is confidence in what you long for. The mental focus that starts from this negative self-evaluation is subject to living in a psychological room without windows where nothing is seen. There is only darkness, that produced by fear, insecurity and lack of confidence in yourself.

9. Assertiveness and the ability to defend yourself against what does not suit you

Think what it means to lack optimal levels of assertiveness on a day-to-day basis. You stop defending your rights, you do not set limits, you are unable to say “no” without fear and “yes” without guilt … To be assertive you need to have previously developed the good foundations of self-esteem.

10. The belief in the compliments and acknowledgments of others

Among the things that low self-esteem robs you is the right to accept compliments and to acknowledge your worth. Suddenly, if someone praises you for a job well done, you doubt that that person is telling you the truth. Because when you don’t value yourself, you question whether others truly value you.

11. Your voice

Among the things that low self-esteem robs you is your voice when you comment on something. Your reasoning, your ideas and your suggestions stop being heard. It doesn’t matter that you are someone with great potential, bright and creative.

Without self-love and security, you will not be able to make the world listen to you. You will always be more concerned with making mistakes and being judged or observed.

Given all the shortcomings and dimensions that low self-esteem takes away from us, why not act before it leaves us naked? Do not hesitate, it is always a good day to exercise and strengthen this value of psychological well-being.

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