10 Words That Will Change Your Life

10 words that will change your life


Sometimes we propose to diet, go to the gym, finish a career … All these resolutions are given to start a new year, a new stage in our life or for any other reason. These desires change our life, modify it and make us progress. But we must not forget our mind. A change that provides us with greater well-being begins by changing, adding or increasing the use of certain words.

In the American blog “The. We have reduced this number and we suggest that you readers be encouraged to add those words that you think should be here.

Here we go!


1. Please

Being educated is beneficial and provides us with well-being. In addition, it favors a greater social connection and ease to achieve your goals. Saying “please” opens doors and endows us with kindness.

2.  Thank you

This word has a comforting power for both the person who says it and the person who receives it. Thanks are given to thank someone’s gentle gesture: a person who holds the door for you, who lets you pass, when they give you a gift … The result? A smile on both sides and a very positive feeling.

3. How can I help? You can help?

It is good to be able to offer someone our help and that it is well received. Generosity helps increase self-satisfaction. It is also beneficial to ask for help, something we do not usually do for fear of appearing weak.

4. no

It is a difficult but necessary word. We must all learn to say “no” when we do not want to or can do something. Saying “no” can save us stress or anxiety. For example, when we have several things to do we must prioritize and, surely, some do not end up being done.

5. Sorry, sorry

Acknowledging that we have erred is good as long as it is a sincere apology. We are sorry for what we have not done well and we hope to be forgiven. We must not abuse these words excessively due to a series of errors to which we do not put a solution because otherwise it will not have the desired effect.

6. I am grateful for …

Expressing gratitude will make us healthier and happier. You can even write or think at the end of each day about the things you are grateful for. This will make you more aware of the world around you and you will develop a positive attitude. A small example of being grateful would be the following:

-When you get up – Thank you for a new day of life.

-When you bathe – Thank you for having hot, running water and personal hygiene products.

-When you eat – Thank you for the food, for providing work to an entire supply chain that makes eating possible.


7. Come on!

Dare to do whatever you want: travel, do some sport … whatever! The important thing is that you do it because we tend to leave things for another time. As the saying goes “do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

8. Well …

It is obvious that not everything is going to go as planned. For example, a date with friends that is suddenly cut short for some reason. We must learn to see the bright side in order to be happier. Many people get upset when they see their plans truncated. Learn to relax about this. It’s okay because things don’t go as planned!

9. I have many things to do

Leave the excuses aside. Many times, when we say this, we realize that we are not taking advantage of the time that we seem to require. Don’t make excuses and enjoy! Nothing happens for, between so much stress and work, to give us a break. In fact, it will help us to relax, to enjoy life more.

10. Breathe

The most basic but also the most important. In the face of worries, stress, anxiety … Stop and breathe. Relax for a moment. The world is not going to end because you take a moment but quite the opposite. You’ll feel better.


Do you use these words? Do you use them daily? If not, it is time to put them into practice. We will be happier, enjoy life, relax in the face of stress … Little things like saying thanks or a “please” can improve a bad day. Looking at all the work we have and going out for a drink with friends will help us regain strength, clear up and perform better when we return to our work.



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